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We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals

New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals

Help your students cultivate inner motivation, foster positive thinking, and achieve their goals right from the start of the year. The back-to-school period presents a fantastic opportunity to understand your students’ expectations and aspirations. This resource is perfect for students embarking on a new school year, term, or activity. Benefits: Empowering students to set clear and impactful goals. When children visualize themselves attaining their goals, it becomes easier for them to manifest their aspirations, leading to increased self-esteem. Cultivating students’ awareness of the process involved in achieving their goals and enhancing their motivation to give their best efforts. The act of visualization helps students develop focus and a stronger desire to turn their goals into reality. This visualization album provides two versions, each with slight design variations. It consists of 8 different pages where children can express their goals and expectations for the new school year through drawings and writing. Here are the instructions: Print the two files on both sides of the paper (back and front) using two sheets. Fold the two sheets in half. Bind the pages together, forming a book, and staple along the folded edge. "------------------------------ ★**Related resources: ** Download the Spanish Version! ------------------------------" "----------------------------- ★ You may like these BACK TO SCHOOL resources: My School - Bucket and Spade List Craft New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals Back to School Activities and Crafts Back to School - Monsters Album Back to School - Monsters Love School - Activities Back to School Monsters Bookmark Craft Back to School - Activities Back to School Activities - Google Slides Back to School Monsters Posters Back to School Monsters Decor | Bulletin Board and Door Back to School Monster Poster Free Sample! ----------------------------------" I wish you a wonderful year ahead when all your goals and expectations come true.
Growth Mindset | Finger Counting 0 to 10

Growth Mindset | Finger Counting 0 to 10

This pack is a PERFECT resource to use in center activities, individually or in groups. Designed to help PreK and Kindergarten students learn and practice numbers from 0 to 10, and fosters a growth mindset culture at the same time. Children naturally lean toward a growth mindset as they are curious and learn through all of their senses. By providing a more positive outlook on learning, you can nurture and maintain their growth mindset. Don’t let your little ones shift from a growth mindset to a fixed mindset. Start building their tools for developing a growth mindset now! This resource offers: A set of colorful and black-and-white posters (0-10) featuring written numerals, number words, finger counting, and affirmations to encourage your students’ growth mindset and success. These posters are perfect for decorating your bulletin board! A set of black-and-white worksheets (0-10) to help children practice numbers and growth mindset affirmations through tracing activities. A set of finger counting puppets (0-10) in color and black and white. These puppets reinforce growth mindset affirmations and numbers by allowing children to role-play. As they recognize the numbers and affirmations, they use their fingers to remind each other of the positive affirmations. The counting fingers graphics show the palm side of the hands. The number one is shown with the pointer finger up. "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" I hope you enjoy developing a growth mindset culture in your classroom.
Mentalidad de Crecimiento - La Amistad (SPANISH VERSION)

Mentalidad de Crecimiento - La Amistad (SPANISH VERSION)

Los maestros y los padres comparten el deseo de que sus hijos tengan buenas amistades, y es su responsabilidad ayudarles a comprender los elementos esenciales que contribuyen a formar vínculos sólidos. Este recurso incorpora los principios fundamentales de una mentalidad de crecimiento, como aceptar los retos, adoptar el poder del “todavía”, encontrar inspiración en los éxitos de los demás, considerar el esfuerzo como el camino hacia la maestría, aprender de los errores y aceptar la crítica constructiva. Estos principios guiarán a los niños en el desarrollo de una comprensión significativa de la amistad. Las actividades incluidas en este recurso están diseñadas para animar a los estudiantes a pensar de forma crítica sobre las cualidades necesarias para establecer y mantener buenas amistades. Además, este recurso ayuda a maestros y padres a conocer a los amigos de sus hijos y a comprender las razones que hay detrás de sus elecciones. Beneficios: Ver la amistad como una oportunidad para construir una mentalidad de crecimiento. Ver la mentalidad de crecimiento como una oportunidad de construir lazos de amistad. Comprender que es la amistad, que significa y qué implica hacer y tener amigos. Superar las dificultades o los problemas comunes de la amistad de forma más sencilla. Reconocer las cualidades y talentos de los amigos, inspirarse en ellos y entender que todo aprendizaje requiere tiempo y esfuerzo. Comprender que los comentarios recibidos por parte de nuestros amigos nos hacen más fuertes y mejores. Reconocer que en la amistad pueden surgir problemas y se cometen errores, pero se pueden asumir como desafíos y oportunidades para fortalecerla. Identificar estrategias para hacer nuevos amigos. Este recurso incluye: Slide 1: Mis Amigos Slide 2: Mis Amigos me Inspiran a Ser Mejor Persona Slide 3: Mis Amigos Pueden … Yo AÚN No Puedo Slide 4: Puedo Resolver Problemas Slide 5: Hago lo Mejor para Mis Amigos y para Mi Slide 6: Aprendo de los Comentarios Positivos de Mis Amigos Slide 7: Aprendo de Mis Errores Slide 8: No me Rindo Puedo Hacer Nuevos Amigos ¡Disfruta de los beneficios de fomentar la cultura de la mentalidad en crecimiento en tu clase! "-------------------------------------------------------- Download More Versions English Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - Google Slides --------------------------------------------------------"
Growth Mindset - Friendship

Growth Mindset - Friendship

eachers and parents have a shared desire for their children to have good friendships, and it is their responsibility to help them grasp the essential elements that contribute to forming strong bonds. This resource incorporates the fundamental principles of a growth mindset, such as embracing challenges, adopting the power of “yet,” finding inspiration in others’ successes, viewing effort as the path to mastery, learning from mistakes, and embracing constructive criticism. These principles will guide children in developing a meaningful understanding of friendship. The activities included in this resource are designed to encourage students to think critically about the qualities required to establish and maintain good friendships. Furthermore, this resource assists teachers and parents in getting to know their children’s friends and understanding the reasons behind their choices. Benefits: Viewing friendship as an opportunity to foster a growth mindset. Recognizing that a growth mindset contributes to building strong friendships. Understanding the meaning of friendship and the effort it entails to establish and maintain connections. Overcoming common friendship challenges or difficulties in a straightforward manner. Acknowledging and appreciating the qualities and talents of friends, drawing inspiration from them, and understanding that learning takes time and effort. Recognizing that feedback from friends can make us stronger and better individuals. Understanding that problems and mistakes may arise in friendships but can be viewed as opportunities to strengthen the bond. Identifying strategies for making new friends. This resource includes: Page 1: My Friends Page 2: My Friends Inspire Me to Be Better Page 3: My Friends Can … I Can’t YET Page 4: I am a Problem Solver Page 5: I Do My Best To Be a Good Friend Page 6: I Learn From My Friends - Constructive Feedback Page 7: I Learn From Mistakes Page 8: I Do not Give Up, I Can Make New Friends Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your class! "-------------------------------------------------------- Download More Versions English Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - Google Slides --------------------------------------------------------"
Growth Mindset Self Reflection Chart - English & Spanish

Growth Mindset Self Reflection Chart - English & Spanish

Self-reflection is a powerful tool to cultivate a growth mindset. With this resource, students can develop self-awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals in both English and Spanish versions. Children realize the impact of a growth mindset on their academic performance and achievement. When teachers understand their students’ beliefs and self-perceptions, they can provide targeted support and focus on their strengths. By building a close relationship with their students, teachers can foster a sense of partnership and friendship in the classroom. This bilingual resource is ideal for dual-language and bilingual classrooms and schools, providing opportunities for all students to benefit from the self-reflection process. This resource includes 2 pages: A growth mindset self-reflection chart in black and white (English Version) Autorreflexión Mentalidad de Crecimiento en blanco y negro (Spanish Version) "------------------------------------------------------ ★ You may like these GROWTH MINDSET resources: Growth Mindset Posters, Badges and Cards Growth Mindset - Editable Awards Growth Mindset - Finger Counting 0 to 10 Growth Mindset - Friendship Growth Mindset - Overcoming My Challenges MiniBook My Growth Mindset Backpack ------------------------------------------------------"